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Saturday, September 22, 2007 @ 11:04 PM

Hello people, how have you guys been? If you ask me, I've been feeling unwell, thank you. I'm feeling nauseous and my best friends now are mr toilet bowl and mr sink (whichever is nearer). All thanks to my little 7.44mm friend inside me. Yes, baby is only 7.44mm and already doing things only najib can do at times - quicken my heartbeat, increase my body temperature, make my palms sweaty, suck my blood.. -____-

I went to see Dr Loke today and he managed to get baby on screen. Of course at the moment he looks like a little bean so if you'd like to see how he looks like, I say go and grab a bean in the kitchen and stare at it. Ah sama ah. The only diff is the heartbeat. Its so nice to know baby's heartbeat is thumping strong and he is in the right position (ie in the uterus). Well done, Najib. U shoot very well. Snorts. Anyway, my EDD is 13 May 2008. There goes all hope of going into labour on Labour's Day. =p

For avoidance of all doubts, nope, I don't know the sex of the baby yet. All references to the male species might change in future. Harap maklum.

On a different note, Happy Birthday to mak dearest today. May you be blessed with all the good things in life. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki, insyallah. We love you mak!! :)

about her

Mrs Najib
A hot momma who lurks around mrt stations with her pink Ipod and her purple PSP.

her links


shout out loud

her past


Image: x
Brushes: juvenile casualty
& colorfilter
& portfelia
Texture: colorfilter
Font: dafont